Hung Leng Kuen Kung Fu - Instructors

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Si Gung Tim - 8th Duan and Hut Pao Tsut Lineage Holder

Chief Instructor of the Southampton University Kung Fu Club

Si Gung Tim continues to teach at the University Club for over 20 years now. Coming to the University to do a PhD already with a 2nd Dan in Wado-Ryu Karate and many years of experience of other martial arts. He trained directly with Sijo for many years and grew the self-defence class to the success it is today at University of Southampton.

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Si Gung Myles - 8th Duan and Head of Internal Arts

Senior Instructor of Southampton University Kung Fu Club

Si Gung Myles is the longest serving practitioner of Hung Leng Kuen. Since beginning training with Sijo Dutton as a university student, Si Gung Myles has a lifetime worth of knowledge and experience in martial arts. He has trained with many Tai Chi and Qigong practitioners and has set up Hung Leng Kuen clubs in London and Fareham. His dedication and skills as an instructor have produced many competent martial artists.

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Sifu Jamie - 5th Duan

Senior Instructor of Southampton University Kung Fu Club

Sifu Jamie has been teaching our style for 11 years and training martial arts for 30. From the age of 7 he studied Karate, Wing Chun, Southern Shaolin Kung Fu and Tai Chi Chuan for years before training privately on a weekly basis with Sijo Dutton, our style's founder. He now teaches our Tai Chi class on Tuesday evenings.

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Sifu Sarah - 3rd Duan

Leads the Southampton University Self Defence Classes

Sifu Sarah began training in Hung Leng Kuen at University in 2005 when she joined their self defence class; she then moved on to the traditional martial art classes and has been with the club ever since. Sifu Sarah has been an instructor in Hung Leng Kuen Kung Fu for many years now, she remains most interested in practical application and self defence as this is what first brought her into the club.

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Sifu Tom - 3rd Duan

Instructor at Southampton Hung Leng Kuen Club

Sifu Tom began training his Hung Leng Kuen at university in 2013 after studying Jujitsu and Wing Chun, and reading nearly every martial arts book he could get his hands on. Actively taking a role in supporting the club (subsequently becoming a Student Union Vice President), today Sifu Tom can be found at as many classes as he can where he continues to teach and train passionately.

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Sifu Luke - 2nd Duan

Instructor at Southampton Hung Leng Kuen Club

Sifu Luke came to University with a 2nd Dan in Wado-Ryu Karate with a competitive record for WKU having trained in the same squad as Commonwealth champions Rory Daniels and Paul James. He became MA Rep for the University and after graduating he is still an Instructor of Hung Leng Kuen. He also trains BJJ under one of Carlos Gracie's Black Belts.

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Sifu Liv - 1st Duan

Instructor at Southampton Hung Leng Kuen Club

Sifu Liv had a background in Kendo and Aikido before coming to University and starting Hung Leng Kuen. She is still currently finishing her Masters Degree while helping to teach Hung Leng Kuen.

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SIfu Sarah - 1st Duan

Instructor at Southampton Hung Leng Kuen Club

Our Newest Black sash who also trains regularly with a professional MMA fighter.

Other Instructors in the Federation

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Dai Sifu Parker - 9th Duan and Hung Leng Kuen Lineage Holder

Head of the Style - Chief Instructor of the London Hung Leng Kuen Club

Dai Sifu Parker is the Head Instructor of the World Free Spirit Fist Federation. He trained under Sijo Dutton for many years before opening a club in London, where he still teaches to this day. Visit the London Website for more details.

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Sifu Darren - 5th Duan

Chief Instructor of Portsmouth Hung Leng Kuen Club

Sifu Darren Holmes is the Chief Instructor of Hung Leng Kuen Portsmouth. Find out more about Portsmouth here.

Site created and maintined by Luke Jefferies © 2020 - any issues with the site let him know at [email protected]